This Month's Theme is . . . COLOR

This year, I want to really dive into my personal artwork. Lately, I've been doing a lot of brainstorming, planning, writing, and, of course, drawing. I think this could be a great journey, and I hope you'll come along with me. There will be a lot of exploring, learning, and discovering along the way.

I've chosen themes for each month for the rest of the year, and with each of those themes, a project to get me sketching, creating, and building my portfolio. The theme I've chosen for this month is...


Monthly Project - February 2018

February is the time of year when the weather can get a bit bleak and the world outside is anything but colorful, so what better time to fill your world with beautiful, vibrant blooms? That's why for this month's project, I've chosen to sketch out FLORAL PATTERNS each day. You can follow along on my Instagram (@nicolejonessturk) and hashtag #sturkartchallenge2018. If you want to contribute your own sketches, please do! I'll also post on my progress occasionally here on this blog.


Towards the end of the month, I'll move on from sketching and take my favorites to create final pieces for a collection. I can't wait to see what comes out of this!

Sincerely, Nicole