If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen the series of mini floral paintings I’ve been working on for the past couple of weeks. If you haven’t seen them, here is the full set…

They were all done with acrylic paint and are the size of a trading card (2.5 x 3.5 inches). I made them this size because I thought they would be fun to give them away as little Valentine cards, similar to the ones I would give out at my elementary school class parties. I’m a sucker for just about any holiday—I love them! As a young girl, I was always excited to celebrate in school. For Valentine’s Day, I remember decorating a cute little box each year and going around to drop off cards to my classmates. Back then, mine probably had Disney princesses or something like that. These hand-painted ones will be a little more special, haha, and I’ll be sending them to some family and friends.
I didn’t want to keep the fun all to myself, though. I created some printable cards from my paintings to share with you all! Access the file from Google Drive at THIS LINK or click on either image below.
Happy Valentine’s Day!