November Updates and Holiday Stuff

ICYMI, here's what's been going on over on my Instagram lately...


I had lots of fun celebrating Halloween with my girls. They dressed as Anna, Elsa, and Olaf from Frozen. They enjoyed surprises from the Great Pumpkin and a candy hunt out in the park.

Now it's November! How is time simultaneously moving so slow and so fast this year? Gotta love 2020... Of course, this month got started with the crazy election. I made my own digital sticker for my planner to mark the occasion.

Free download - I Voted digital sticker

I'm sure glad that part's all over with finally, and we can move on! Let's start focusing on the best parts of November—Thanksgiving, family, pie, and gratitude.

One of my favorite hymns, especially during Thanksgiving time, is “For the Beauty of the Earth.” I created a coloring page inspired by it. It's now available as a printable download here:

For the Beauty of the Earth coloring page

I've been finding time to do a little more digital scrapbooking. I even used my scrapbooking skills to create my annual Christmas card, using my own patterned papers and photos as well. The result definitely feels more personalized and heartfelt than my usual predesigned card from a photo printing site.

Speaking of Christmas, I am already well into holiday preparations! The snowstorm we got last weekend in UT certainly helped get me and my family in the mood to start the festivities. We've already put up our tree, and I've begun making some handmade ornaments, which has become a bit of a holiday tradition for me. I made a miniature door out of popsicle sticks and painted it to look like Elsa's door, again from Frozen. My girls just love all things to do with that movie, haha.

One last holiday-related note, I have lots of new products up in my Etsy shop, including some fun stuff for Christmas.

Check out what's new here.

That's it for now!


Looking Forward to What's Next

Take a look at this picture…


This is my daughter after she walked in covered in diaper cream. I share this not only because it’s funny, but also because it’s a great representation of what my life is like. Not the Insta-worthy, picture-perfect artist life one might wish to have—it’s messy and makes me want to laugh and cry all at once (like this picture).

I’ve had a hard month dealing with a lot of frustration personally and professionally. For those who don’t know, I work mainly in book publishing as a freelance designer. I’m proud that I have those skills and that I’ve built a business from it, but I LIKE it—I don’t LOVE it. It’s not painting and drawing for a living, which is what I WANT to do. Sure, I’ve had a few art jobs here and there—little successes—but I’m not quitting my “day job” anytime soon. Even so, the art that I share with you here on this site, that is my passion.

Why am I telling you this? Because I’m sure there are many of you who are in the same boat. Maybe you're striving to achieve a creative dream that hasn’t happened yet. Maybe you’re jealous of all the talented artists on social media with perfect studios and lots of followers. Perhaps you’re a stay-at-home mom striving to build your own home business. I’m here to tell you that I am with you. I get up every morning, put on my ugly sweats, and work by myself in my humble apartment that needs cleaning. My desk is overcrowded, I often have screaming toddlers around me begging for snacks, and I’m usually working on jobs that are not so much fun.

I guess I just wanted to remind myself, and you, that no one is as perfect as they might appear on Instagram. Life is messy and chaotic and takes a lot of work. Everyone has their own journey and struggles. I hope you enjoy the art I share because I put my heart into it. It is what I love to do. Maybe one day I’ll find that elusive “success,” but maybe not. For now, I’m happy to have fun making and sharing with you, and looking forward to what’s next!