Moving Forward

I am super excited that it is now September, mostly because it marks the beginning of the autumn months (my favorite time of the year). September also marks the beginning of school. My kids are still too young, but my husband is a college student, so we have seen a change of routine around my home. There will be more time alone with my kids during the day as my husband attends classes and study groups.

This year, I've been focusing on incorporating regular practices into my routine to improve my artwork. I created monthly themes and projects for myself to give me some direction. I've explored color, aspects of business, painting, books, and more. I used this blog to share information that I've gathered over the years. I've gotten some fun collections of sketches and mini projects done, too.

While it has been a fun experiment, I've decided that moving forward, I want to keep things more fluid, not tied to a set theme. I believe this idea has served its purpose, getting me in the habit of creating for myself on a regular basis.

Part of this is also coming from my desire to make this blog more personal and meaningful. I love sharing what knowledge and insights I have with you, but I don't want my blog to become too academic, which I feel it has a little bit. And I just want to have more fun with it!

So these are just my thoughts as I enter into September. 

I'm still dedicated to pursuing personal projects, growing my portfolio, and sketching every day! In that aspect, nothing has changed. And I'm still going to hop into a themed monthly challenge every now and again. (Inktober IS coming up, after all...)

As always, the best way to follow along with my daily work is via my Instagram (@nicolejonessturk).

Welcome to September, everyone!